The Analysis of a Courseware Quality Framework for E-Learning
Ming-Puu Chen & Kuo-En Chang
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
National Taiwan Normal University

Abstract: In Taiwan, an e-learning courseware certification (eLCC) program was provided by the Quality Center of the e-Learning Network Science Park to distinguish and promote well-designed e-learning courseware under the “National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning” from year 2003 to 2007. The eLCC program employs a systematic process to evaluate the educational quality of an e-learning courseware from perspectives of content, navigation, instructional design, and instructional media. The results from the analysis of 25 eLCC courseware cases revealed that (a) the eLCC courseware quality framework showed adequate reliability and validity, and (b) the certified cases outperformed the uncertified cases in quality criteria of content, instructional design, and instructional media.